Swing Dance at MTHS April 29: A Night in New York

jazz-graphic-600 (002)An evening of swing dancing, live music and dessert to send the Jazz Ensemble 1 to Essentially Ellington in style! The event starts at 7 pm and is open to the public.

Admission: $5 ages 5-18 | $10 adults | $25 families

Admission includes swing dance lesson, live performances by Jazz 1 and 2 & a dessert buffet. All proceeds benefit Jazz Ensemble 1’s trip to New York City to compete at Essentially Ellington in May.


  1. Dorothy Sjaastad

    I will be out of town but will make a donation and send it with my granddaughter, Allie Gill-More. I’ve loved all the band concerts and wish the very best for MTHS Jazz Band and all the band members.

    Dorothy Sjaastad

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