Poinsettia Sale

Poinsettia Sale: Now until November 18th

Point Poinsettia sales are back! Order any time between now and November 18th.

The net proceeds for plants sold go directly to help the student seller’s particular music group participate in festivals, camps, and other out of area performance opportunities.

These florist quality poinsettias are in 6″ pots with foil covers and are available in four colors: Red, Pink, White and Jingle Bell (red/white).

We will have a table at the Bazaar on November 2nd and need student volunteers to sell. All sales will go to those students who set up and work the table.

Volunteers are also needed on pick up day, Wednesday, December 4th at the high school 2:00-6:00pm.

Ordering Process:

  • You can use a black & white copy of the order form, but consider printing out a color form at home so your customers can see what the different colors look like.
  • Fill out the order form completely. This will help us with an accurate and smooth pick up process.
  • Keep a copy of the order form(s) for your records.
  • There are a number of 1-hour time slots for students to staff the poinsettia table at the MTHS Holiday Bazaar. Sign up at Poinsettia SignUpGenius
  • Completed order forms can be turned in via the band room wall pocket (inside the band room near the door.)
  • Make checks payable to MTHS Music Boosters. Absolutely no IOUs!
  • Sub-total each page in the white area at the bottom of each page

If you have questions, consider first asking in MTHS Booster group in case others may benefit, then if necessary please email poinsettia coordinator directly.

Important links:

Volunteers Needed

The ability of the boosters to support our directors, families and musicians is directly proportional to the willingness of volunteers. We are still looking for volunteers to fill important roles in the boosters:

  • Band parent representative
  • Orchestra parent representative
  • Facebook & blog content help

Please join us November 14th at the boosters meeting to learn about these important roles.

November Events

  • Nov 7, 7 PM – Band concert
  • Nov 8, Jazz retreat
  • Nov 14 – Boosters meeting, 630-7 social, 7-8 PM business
  • Nov 15 – Band retreat
  • Nov 22-23 – Jazz workshop – Justin DiCioccio



  1. Kelly Sumera-Decoret

    Poinsettia Fundraiser Order Form 2019 is not coming up correctly when open. So I can’t print it out.

    • Hi, it should be fixed now. I had been given an Excel version but that doesn’t seem to work with WordPress sight. Sorry for the delayed response

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