Orchestra performance at Washington State University

Our Orchestra had the opportunity to perform at the Washington State University Orchestra Festival on November 4, 2022. They performed songs from Rossini, Holst, and Newbold. View their performance on the MTHS Orchestra YouTube Channel. https://youtu.be/rFKTgkNF18w

Support the MTHS Music Boosters with AmazonSmile

With holiday shopping already here, did you know that Amazon will donate .05% of all qualified purchases to the Music Boosters? All you, your family, and friends need to do is add Mountlake Terrace High School Music Boosters as your non-profit and shop via smile.amazon.com. If you do most of your shopping via the Amazon app, follow these easy steps to register your account on the app. 1. Join AmazonSmile If you are not already an AmazonSmile member, sign up on your web browser. Simply select “Mountlake Terrace High School Music Boosters” as your favorite charity to start generating donations,...

Fall Bands Concert – November 3, 2022

Enjoy last night's Fall Band Concert featuring the Symphonic Band, Chamber Winds, and Percussion. Don't forget to 'Subscribe' to the MTHS Bands YouTube Channel for our latest uploads. View our Performance Calendar to catch all our music groups this year. https://youtu.be/MHVfa8xdtC4

Fall Band Concert this Thursday!

Join us this Thursday for our Fall Band Concert! You will enjoy the sounds from our Symphonic, Chamber Winds, and Percussion bands. This free concert is open to everyone. Performance starts at 7pm in the Mountlake Terrace High School auditorium.

Join us for swing night on November 4th!

You are invited for an evening of dancing and live music! Come join the fun on November 4th at 6pm. Proceeds support the Mountlake Terrace High School Music Boosters.

Join us on October 20th!

Join us for the first jazz concert of the school year! We will be joined by special guests from Madrona K-8 and Meadowdale High School. The performance starts promptly at 7:00pm.

A word from our board…

Our board this year is enthusiastic and energized! We are done with being anti-social and are hoping for an amazing year with the Music Program. Our support extends to all Music groups and we hope to encompass all areas to ensure success for everyone! As Music parents and students, you are all part of the Music Boosters automatically, so please feel free to join us for meetings and events. Many hands make light work! There are so many wonderful things ahead of us this year and we just cant wait to get started! We just had a very successful start...


Pep Band rehearsals and performances are under way! So wonderful to see the excitement blooming as our kids get the opportunity to play together once again! https://fb.watch/7YBUlv4aK4/ First PEP Band event is Friday Sept 2 @ Edmonds Stadium - call time 4:30pm - Wear School colors/Spirit wear - Red, Black, White, or Grey! Schedule for upcoming events: Sept 2 Football - 4:30 call @Edmonds Stadium Sept 16 Football - 7:30 call @Edmonds Stadium Sept 30th Football - 4:30 call @Edmonds Stadium Oct 7th Football HOMECOMING - 7:30 call @Edmonds Stadium TBD PEP Band for Basketball Follow our Facebook page for...

How to Help out the Boosters While you shop! Join Amazon Smile and support our music program.

Do you know you can passively help out the Music Boosters while you shop at Amazon? Its easy, just sign into your Amazon account via Smile.Amazon, select Account and Lists, scroll down to Amazon Smile Charity Lists, and select Mountlake Terrace High School Music Boosters. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/homepage?orig=%2F Amazon will donate 0.5% of any qualified purchase to the MTHS Music Boosters every time you shop. *Just remember to always log in via smile amazon to get credit while you shop.

The Boosters Board Wants You

Do you: need something to shake up the quarantine doldrums? have nothing good left to watch on Netflix? finished Animal crossing and need a new hobby? Boy have we got a proposition for you! The MTHS Music Boosters board is looking for new members. Meet with us, via Zoom, on June 11th to help the MTHS music programs. The Music Boosters needs to fill these positions: President: Lead meetings, work with all involved, represent the Boosters talking with others in the school and around the community Vice -President: Help coordinate activities, work on publicity, fill in at events Secretary: Take...