Get Started Right Away with information

Parents: If you have a student in MTHS Music, you’re automatically a MTHS Music Booster! Let us know who you are: send your name and phone to [email protected] and ask questions.
Info on the web Facebook – MTHS Music Boosters:
Sign up to volunteer at Signup Genius:
Shop & donate automatically to our program through Fred Meyer community programs or Amazon Smile. Update or create an account at Go to Account > Community programs and search for “MTHS Music Boosters” & enroll. Fred Meyer sends a percentage of your purchases. Do your Amazon shopping at and you can pick “Mountlake Terrace High School Music Boosters” as your charity. Amazon sends a percentage of your purchases.
Can your donations be matched at work? Our Tax ID is 94-3086537.
Look Great Every Time – Dress for the team
What to wear for a concert:
Men black suit, white tux shirt and black bow tie for both concert and chamber winds. We have lots of jackets in the closet at the school if you need one for growing boys. I know I swap with other parents.
Women – either they can wear the same as above (dress pants with suit jacket like the men is fine.) or a black dress that has 2″ or more straps sleeves. No spaghetti straps or sleeveless. Should cover their knees Here is a reasonable priced dress that is machine washable and there are discounts around for Lands End like this one. Friends & Family: Receive 30% off your order! Promotion Code: LOVE30 PIN: 4281
Another good site for dresses that hold up well to travel is Travel Smith p&method=and&view=grid&af=color:black%20cat2:women_dresses%20cat1:women%20pagetype:products
A black skirt with a black blouse if that is what they wore last year. No spaghetti straps or sleevelessand it should cover their knees. Remember they sit higher than the audience.
NO LEGGINGS. Dress pants with suit jacket like the men is fine. The idea is for a team look. Any questions should be addressed with your director.
Pep Band shirt order form below. This is to be worn at Basketball games and Football games although we realize it will be covered by jackets in this cooler weather.
Organize Your Date book
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Get Involved
If you didn’t have a chance to attend the General Board meeting in September, I highly recommend, as of course I cannot require it, the meeting on October 12 in the MTHS Library to really find out what is going on. Your students need all of us to support them.
Immediate needs include Chaperones for upcoming trips and the following board positions:
Band Representative – Someone with a child in either band will work to involve band parents, let the board know the needs of the band program – events, volunteers, money
Gig Coordinator – Works with Darin Faul to organize gigs for jazz and concert band students
Events Coordinator – Communicates volunteer needs for the director’s newsletters, manages Sign-up Genius program
Fundraising Travel Publicity
Pep Band Order Form
Tear off and turn in – Sizing filled on a first come first serve basis. The cost is only $5 paid cash or check to MTHS Music Boosters. Since we cannot guarantee sizing we are selling them cheap. (At or below cost as some years they were over $10, but we have these available immediately.) I will be available to hand them out Friday after the field trip and next Friday at the game entrance.