Musicians! The heartbeat of the music program is our musicians. Review the website to learn more about the music program and the work of the music boosters that support you! Review the information below to see how to stay current and ensure a wonderful four years in the Mountlake Terrace High School Music Program!
All Musicians
The Music Boosters writes and distributes a comprehensive electronic newsletter monthly. All future, current, and alum students are encouraged to Subscribe to the Music Boosters newsletter. You’ll stay current on upcoming performances from all music groups, fundraising opportunities, insight into the music program while you are in the program and after you graduate. We hope you’ll stay connected with us throughout your music journey.
Follow Us
The Music Boosters manages Music Program and Music Booster social accounts. Each social channel is used in different ways, so we encourage students to connect with us on all.
- Instagram @mountlaketerracehsbands
- YouTube
- Jazz @mountlaketerracejazz
- Concert Bands @mountlaketerraceconcertbands
- Orchestra @mountlaketerraceorchestra
- Music Boosters @mthsmusicboosters
- Facebook Page (Public) @mthsbands
- LinkedIn @mthsmusicboosters

Band Musicians (Concert and Jazz Bands)
Band App
Download the Band App to your phone to stay current on the Concert and Jazz Bands information. Seriously! This is best way for Mr. Faul to communicate with parents/guardians (and studets) and for you to connect with Mr. Faul, other parents and Music Boosters. We can’t emphasize the importance of using this app enough. Yes, you can manage notifications so you are not overwhelmed at times.
After downloading, contact Mr. Faul at [email protected] for access to the MTHS Bands site within the app.
This app is also accessible through your laptop or desktop. Access the site here [requires Mr. Faul already providing you permissions].
Concert Attire
Jazz Band: Black pants and shirts with red tie.
Concert Bands: Black pants with white top.
Contact Mr. Faul with questions.

Pep Band
All Concert and Jazz Band musicians are automatically part of Pep Band. Pep Band performs at football, basketball, and other school events.
Students can purchase a Pep Band shirt through the Music Boosters Store.