We are kicking off a fantastic, yet short, spring flower fundraiser to raise funds for the band and orchestra program and musicians! They make great Mother’s Day gifts (May 12th)! These wonderful spring baskets are from the same supplies as the poinsettia fundraiser.

Four Options (choose one or all)
- 4″ Geranium (10 per flat) – $35/flat – options include all red or mix flat
- 4″ Premium Annuals-Mixed Plants (10 per flat) – $35/flat – includes 2 Geraniums, 2 Callie, 2 Petunia, 2 Accents, and 2 Bacopa
- 12″ Mixed Basket – $40
- 14″ Lynden Basket (this basket WILL double in size): $70

You can make an order through your favorite MTHS band or orchestra student. If you don’t have a student or direct connection in the music program, you can contact the MTHS Music Boosters President, Carolyn Harvey, and inquire about ordering flowers to support music.
All orders and payments must be turned in by March 28th! No late orders.
Orders will be ready for pick up on May 3rd at MTHS (students will deliver).