Board Meeting 2/1, Band Solo/Ensemble days follow

Boosters (any parent with a kid in MTHS music programs) are encourage to come to this week's monthly board meeting as prepare for some of our biggest fundraising events. This includes a March 11 auction that we need items for (read more) and an mattress event. Plus we have another busy month of events to that will need some support (snacks, chaperones, etc.) MTHS Booster's Board Meeting is Wednesday, February 1 at the MTHS Library from 7-8 PM. Social time starts at 6:30 and committee work goes from 8-8:30. The regional Solo and Ensemble Contest is Saturday, February 4 at Mariner High School. The complete...

Why on earth are we talking about mattresses? (updated)

More info soon, but the date will be March 25, from 10 am - 5 pm. Your music Booster Board has been looking for new ways to raise funds. And when we heard of this, we had to do it. And laugh about it too. The Mattress Fundraiser has been giving many schools, including several in Western Washington, thousands of dollars over the past few years (Woodinville is on their third year). So we are looking to do our own event in the spring and will need help getting the word out. Interested in helping out, contact us. Or swing...

MTHS to appear at Hot Java Cool Jazz

Mountlake Terrace High School's Jazz band was one of the regional high schools to be accepted into Starbuck's 22nd Annual Hot Java Cool Jazz concert at the Paramount Theatre on March 17, starting at 7 PM. Tickets will go on February 3. Buying your tickets at the Mountlake Terrace Starbucks in Cedar Plaza (in the Bartells/QFC parking lot) will ensure 100% of all tickets sales goes to MTHS Band funds. Read here for more.  
Starting 2017 in music at MTHS

Starting 2017 in music at MTHS

Welcome back. Pep band starts up again for band, there's a solo/ensemble contest in February band and orchestra students are prepping for, and several musicians are playing for the drama squad's musical this month. All band parents: please download, fill-out and return our travel survey. JAZZ – Jan. 6 & 7 – Justin DiCioccio Clinic (MTHS) BOARD – Jan. 10 – January Board Meeting at 7 pm (MTHS Library) JAZZ – Jan. 12 – Concert at 7 pm (MTHS Band Rooms) PTSA - Jan. 14 - Goodwill donation drop-off from 10 am - 2 pm (MTHS Parking Lot) ORCHESTRA - Jan. 17 - Fundraiser at Red Onion...
Two concerts to end 2016

Two concerts to end 2016

First off, a big thanks to the volunteers--both parents and students--who helped make the Mountlake Terrace High School Music Booster’s 15th Annual “Breakfast in Santa’s Workshop” such a success. We end the calendar year with two concerts: CHOIR/ORCHESTRA – Tuesday, Dec. 13 – Winter Concert – 7 pm (MTHS Theatre) BAND – Thursday, Dec. 15 – Winter Concert – 7 pm (MTHS Theatre) Have a joyous holiday season and we'll see you in the new year. In fact, if you need a new year's resolution, how about attend more MTHS Music Boosters meetings? We'd love to see you there! Our next one is: Jan. 10 – January Board Meeting...
Santa Breakfast Volunteer Update

Santa Breakfast Volunteer Update

Santa Breakfast Volunteers: Saturday is still a go! We’ll send a Skyward email today (Friday) just as soon as we make a plan. Enjoy the morning!   At 4pm, Thursday's Winter Concert was CANCELLED and rescheduled for Thursday, 12/15.
Join us for Breakfast, Music, Crafts in Santa’s Workshop at Mountlake Terrace High School Dec. 10

Join us for Breakfast, Music, Crafts in Santa’s Workshop at Mountlake Terrace High School Dec. 10

Join Santa for a hearty pancake breakfast at Mountlake Terrace High School Music Booster’s 15th Annual “Breakfast in Santa’s Workshop” on Saturday, December 10th, from 8 a.m. – Noon! Over a dozen local school choirs, bands, and orchestras—including Mountlake Terrace High’s—will sing and play throughout the morning. Shop for gifts, crafts, and goodies at our holiday gift shop; treat your kids to face painting; and visit Santa Claus! Framed digital photos available for purchase. Proceeds support the work of the MTHS Music Boosters, a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Admission: Ages 5 – 12 and Senior Citizens, $5; Teens & Adults, $7; Family Rate, $25; Kids under age 5 are FREE. Cash or checks only....
December: Two concerts & Santa comes to MTHS

December: Two concerts & Santa comes to MTHS

December is a short month on the school calendar, but ripe with big music events: A choir/orchestra concert, a band concert, and our biggest fundraiser of the year: Breakfast in Santa’s Workshop. Santa takes two days, a half day to set-up on Friday (after the early dismissal), and a big day on Saturday.  Over 1,000 people entered during the four hour event last year. Bands played, children got a picture with Santa (and whispered wishes), craft booths bustled, and we cooked up a load of pancakes and sausages. All while raising funds for all MTHS Music groups. We could certainly use...
On to November

On to November

Updating our site with orchestra dates and this post to make sure some key dates are first and foremost at your finger tips. All the dates below are in the calendar that you can subscribe too. Also, we have a few pictures of the choir and the one above, submitted by my daughter. Have a photo you want here? Send to [email protected].  --Doug JAZZ Nov. 10 - Jazz Night - Special Guest Jiggs Whigham, 7 pm (MTHS Theater) Tickets: $10 adults, $5 students. BAND/JAZZ - Nov. 11-12 - Overnight Band Retreat (Yelm, WA) ORCHESTRA  - Nov. 17 – Fall Concert, 7 pm (Theatre)...