Hot Java Cool Jazz

MTHS Jazz Ensemble 1 was selected as one of just five high school bands to play an evening of incredible jazz at the Paramount! Join them for a great night of Jazz with all proceeds going to support our music students! March 27th at the Paramount! NOTE: You must reserve your tickets by February 6th this year as we will not be selling tickets. You can reserve by emailing Melissa at or purchase yourself at Cedar Plaza Starbucks or with Paramount. Remember - these sell out quickly so don't be left without a ticket!

First quarter happenings

Auction – March 14th, 2020 Steven and Laurie McCraney are leading the charge for this year’s upcoming auction. If your group is interested in procuring items for the live or silent auction now is the time to start thinking about this.  Each group that secures donations is credited with the monies that the items sell for. Tickets are available for purchase here. If you are interested in volunteering please reach out to Laurie - below We raised over $4,000 last year – Let’s do it again this year! You may reach Laurie at Auction Documents: Procurement Letter 2020 New sponsorship document...


Our last big event of 2019, “Breakfast in Santa’s Workshop,” happens in just a few days on Saturday, December 14th—and we REALLY need your help!  (Facebook event) This musical morning features MTHS choirs, orchestras, and bands, as well as others from around Edmonds School District. About 1,000 people come through the door between 8 a.m. and noon to enjoy a pancake breakfast, pictures and visits with Santa, music, craft/goodies sales, kids’ craft area… it’s a busy morning—and a busy “day before” set-up process. HERE’S HOW Volunteer! Your kids might be performing during the breakfast, so be sure to ask them....

November Updates

Jazz and Justin - November 22-23rd Hello Jazz families! Justin DiCioccio is coming to do two days of clinics with our students. Justin has been a tremendous clinician and thoroughly helpful to our musicians in the past. "Justin is truly magical to watch, his way of working with the kids is something you should see." --Jazz parent Learn more about Justin at: Volunteer Opportunity: Boosters typically provides a meal per-day for this clinic as the students are they for long periods. Please email jazz parent if you can help out! On Friday, we are looking for someone to coordinate a pizza...

Poinsettia Sale

Poinsettia Sale: Now until November 18th Poinsettia sales are back! Order any time between now and November 18th. The net proceeds for plants sold go directly to help the student seller's particular music group participate in festivals, camps, and other out of area performance opportunities. These florist quality poinsettias are in 6" pots with foil covers and are available in four colors: Red, Pink, White and Jingle Bell (red/white). We will have a table at the Bazaar on November 2nd and need student volunteers to sell. All sales will go to those students who set up and work the table....

Jazz Symposium is Coming

Jazz symposium is one of our program's key events each year. It is an all-day performance and clinic for high- and middle-school bands in the region. We always have a great time and this really gives the MTHS music community an opportunity to shine. This year over twenty schools will come to MTHS for the symposium - that's a lot of hungry musicians, music stands and drum kits that all have to come together. We need your help, and for the weekend of October 25th, maybe your music-loving, kid-loving neighbor can help too! Find opportunities at our SignUpGenius page. Friday, October 25th -...

East West Jazz Joins MTHS Jazz

As a prelude to our 2019 Jazz Symposium the award-winning Mountlake Terrace Jazz Band join an incredible group of musicians East West Jazz Alliance.  This septet of outstanding artists from Japan and the US is an incredible blend of talent. The East West Jazz Alliance features Phil Sparks Seattle Reparatory Jazz Orchestra Chair for 25 years; Atsushi Ikeda, one of the most famous sax players in Japan; Maya Hatch an incredible vocalist (Roosevelt High School jazz program-to the New School, NYC-to Tokyo); Daisuke Kurata from Japan who studied at the New School and often played the Sportsman’s Club in Harlem;...

Welcome back

Our next meeting is Thursday, October 3rd from 6:30-8PM. All are welcome to attend! Because late updates are better than never... Hey, you've been inundated with a bunch of back-to-school forms and flyers and what not - who's had time to read boosters stuff anyway? Below is a reformatted-for-the-web version of the Orientation Night news letter.   Mission Statement The purpose of the MTHS Music Boosters is to assist the Music Directors at Mountlake Terrace High School in delivering the best possible music education to every student at MTHS. MTHS Music Boosters support to our instructors, help with events, and promote...

Music Boosters May Letter

End or Year Concerts Approaching Let the Music Boosters know if your group is interested in celebrating – reception, cake, punch, awards. Funds are available for each group. Please email if you are coordinating for your group. Building Community During the last MTHS Music Boosters Meeting Darin Faul shared several topics with us. He shared the impact of the 2019-2020 budget on the music department with a loss of 0.5 FTE at MTHS. As Mr. Faul shared the budget impacts, we all felt a call to action. How do we as a community continue to all share in the...

Creative Classroom Grant

The MTHS Band Program recently received a $500 Creative Classroom grant for clinicians to work with the Percussion Ensemble from the Foundation for the Edmonds School District. MTHS' Percussion Ensemble also received a grant for $500 from the Women's University Club Foundation as part of its Music Counts Grant opportunity. Thank you to both organizations for their generosity in supporting our music program!