Jazz symposium is one of our program’s key events each year. It is an all-day performance and clinic for high- and middle-school bands in the region. We always have a great time and this really gives the MTHS music community an opportunity to shine.
This year over twenty schools will come to MTHS for the symposium – that’s a lot of hungry musicians, music stands and drum kits that all have to come together.
We need your help, and for the weekend of October 25th, maybe your music-loving, kid-loving neighbor can help too!
Find opportunities at our SignUpGenius page.
Friday, October 25th – Help setup for the symposium. We need a little help from parents to coordinate and plenty of student muscle.
Saturday, October 26th – Help is needed throughout the day with everything from passing out water bottles to recording performances.
Again, see SignUpGenius for details or contact of jazz reps directly at jazz.boosters@mthsmusic.org.